The Montessori Early Learning Center offers a preschool and childcare program based on the philosophy, psychological principles and teaching methods developed by Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952), as well as research and contemporary thinking in the area of early childhood education.
Based on the child’s natural development, Montessori education challenges the child’s growth potential through systematic use of specially designed materials and activities, available to the child in an organized “prepared environment”. Intrinsically motivated and curious to explore, the child learns through direct experiences in his environment. This self-education establishes a sense of order, logical thought processes and a firm foundation for success in future academic study.
Dr. Montessori viewed education not as an end in itself, but as an aid to life. Montessori education focuses on the individual child within the social setting of the larger group. The classroom can be viewed as an organized society of small children with the directress guiding the children at their own pace according to their interests and abilities.
With freedom of choice and movement, each child finds that he/she can learn from and contribute to others, thus developing the self-confidence needed for continued development.
Language Arts
Activities and experiences that facilitate total language development through conversation, labeling the environment, story reading and the introduction of phonics and writing to those interested and ready.
Practical Life Exercises
Care of person and environment through exercises of daily living. Activities: Pouring, sorting, polishing, tying, cleaning, sweeping, folding, cutting, scrubbing, carrying, serving and learning social grace and courtesy.
Sensorial Exercises
To compare, classify and make judgments.
Activities: Exploration of the specially designed learning materials using the five senses.
Math, Science and Geography
Activities that allow concrete manipulation of materials, leading to the eventual grasp of the concept being introduced.
Musical, Art and Cultural Studies
Listening, reading, discussing, singing, dancing, painting, and various other activities.